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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monster High Catrine DeMew

Friday I made a quick stop at the local Wal-Mart and had to take a peek in the doll aisle. I'm glad I did, because on the shelf was the new Monster High doll Catrine DeMew. I have been waiting for her release since the prototype was revealed at Comic Con in July.

I know there are several Werecats in the Monster High line, but I think Catrine is unique and I just love that she is a solid "ghostly" white color and not striped like the other werecats. I think it makes  her look more elegant with the clothes and colors she is wearing. The other thing about Catrine that appeals to me is that she is dressed in my favorite color, lavender.

Catrine lives in Scaris and draws sketches of the tourists that visit the city. Her biography on the back of the box states that she is a "purrfectionist."

Catrine has lavender hair with dark pink streaks and it is curled under on the ends. Catrine has a pair of black sunglasses perched on top of her head. She has lavender eyebrows and pale blue eyes with pink eye makeup. Her lips are lavender and so is the tip of her nose. She has a black "beauty mark" under her left eye. She is wearing a dress with lavender, blue white and black stripes. It has a black apron smock with polka dots on it and she is wearing a lavender belt that has her "chalks and brushes" in it. She is wearing a lavender scarf with a black stain glass design. Her hands have claws and she is wearing black fingerless gloves. She is wearing platform high heels that are pink and lavender, the heels are made to look like paint brushes. The "straps" at her ankles have a rose design. She comes with a black purse with a lavender image of the Scaris skyline, and two of her sketches. One is of the city of Scaris and the other is of  Frankie and Clawdeen at a cafe. Catrine comes with a journal and a black display stand.

Overall I find Catrine to be a really unique addition to the Monster High line with her solid coloring and artistic background.

Who is your favorite Scaris character?
Which werecat is your favorite?