Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

In celebration of today being Halloween here in the states I thought I would share some photos of dolls that are already in costumes. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pinkie Cooper in Paris

I have been trying to write this review for awhile, and it originally started as a review of Pepper, then I saw the Pinkie in Paris set and had to buy it. The set includes Pinkie, Li'l Pinkie, a hairbrush, a Paris sticker, a bouquet of purple flowers, and a tote bag in a pink and dark brown striped box (that reminds me of a cupcake store). Pinkie is wearing tall, black, open toed boots with gold heels, a pink denim like skirt with a gold belt. The skirt has a loop sewn inside for one of her legs to go through and help keep her skirt up. She has on a long sleeved black and white striped body suit with gold stones at the collar, a black beret with a pink flower, and a pink scarf with white dots. Her ears are reversible and have blonde and brown hair. Her body is mostly white and her knees have a pink blush to them, her left leg has four brown spots. Her finger nails are pink and there is a pink heart on the inside of each of her hands. Most of her head is a light tan color with some white detailing. She has a dark pink heart and four small dots between her eyes. I love her eyes, she has applied upper lashes and painted on lower lashes, her eyes are brown with a small green line around them. She has light pink and dark rose colored eye shadow with a purple line separating the two colors. Her beret feels like its made of a black felt like material with a plastic pink flower attached to it with some of the gold tinsel stuff that the belt is made of under it. The bouquet is flexible plastic four long stem purple roses, the bag is roughly cut but cute and is made out of medium thickness mesh material with swirl designs on it. Lil Pinkie is very cute, and looks like she is smiling so big that her eyes are squinted shut. Her ears are removable too and are pink pompom designs. She has on a scarf that matches Pinkie's, and has a light blush at her feet and eyes. She is also mostly white with a few brown spots, one of which is heart shaped on her back left leg. Her head turns and her nose is a black heart, and her other facial features are black.
Overall I think this set is wonderful and I absolutely love Pinkie Cooper, her face is just so adorable. I think this line is very innovative and I look forward to seeing what else they come up with.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dell's Travel Diary 2

So I thought the rain had ruined our day out, but on the way home the rain slowed. While we were driving home we went around a turn and all I could see was a huge rock formation. As we got closer I could see people rock climbing all the way on the tippy top of the rock face. We pulled into the picnic area and got out to take some pictures and explore. We walked down to the river and I collected a few pretty rocks. I had to be careful because the area was used for artillery training during WWII and there could still be unexploded shells there (they even had a sign at the visitors center). It was so neat to watch the climbers at the top of the rocks, I wanted to watch them longer but the rain started again, and we had to go home.

Until Next Time,


Monday, October 7, 2013

30th Anniversary Cabbage Patch Kids

This year marks the thirtieth birthday of the iconic Cabbage Patch Kids. In honor of this they have created special anniversary edition dolls. Each doll is wearing a party dress with the CPK logo print and has pink streaks in her hair. I haven't seen an anniversary edition boy doll yet, I'm not sure if they are making any, but the girl dolls are cute. Both of the anniversary dolls I saw had the same first name and a different middle name. I'm not sure if this is a trend or not I will have to check more dolls. I think I might add one of these to my collection soon just because I like the streaks. 

Ever After High Coming to WalMart

I sure it's no surprise that Ever After High will be making its official debut at Walmart and Target at the end of the month, just in time for the beginning of the holiday shopping season. I am glad that I don't have to go all the way to a Justice store to get them anymore. The prices at least right now are at the $20 range on Walmart's and Target's websites. You can preorder the four single basic dolls, the Ashlynn and Hunter 2 pack, and the diary  on with a release date of October 27. I'm really looking forward to the two pack and I'm glad that it will be available at a store closer to me than Justice.